Neighbour of the Year

2007 Winner Anne Glover She suffered a terrifying hate campaign in which her car was fire-bombed, bricks were hurled through her windows and paint was thrown over her house. But despite this, Anne Glover refused to give in to hooligans on her estate. When 25 people failed to give evidence in court against a notorious […]

Child of Courage

2007 Winner Megan Blunt To battle through cancer and suffer the heartbreak of losing a best friend to the disease is horrendous – but to write a guide to help other children cope with cancer is truly inspirational. Megan Blunt, 15, from Billericay, Essex, was just 12 when, in November 2004, she was diagnosed with […]

Special Recognition

2007 Winner Peter Lachanudis & Susan Porter Doorkeeper Peter Lachanudis and security guard Susan Porter knew it was risky protecting Northern Ireland’s parliament building. But even they never expected to come face to face with armed mass murderer Michael Stone. The pair grappled with the notorious Loyalist paramilitary – who’d been released from prison in […]

Special Recognition

2007 Winner Carol Miller When a passenger who was only 24 weeks pregnant suddenly went into labour on a plane to Crete, flight attendant Carol Miller found herself delivering a seriously premature 1lb 1oz baby at 30,000ft. Carol, 47, from Liverpool, was working on the flight from Manchester on April 17, when a woman approached […]

Emergency Services

2007 Winner Tam Brown Firefighter Tam Brown nearly lost his job after breaching safety rules to rescue a drowning woman. In March this year, Tam, 42, went against brigade regulations which forbid entry into water when he plunged into the swollen River Tay in Perth, Scotland, to reach the woman who was struggling in the […]

Prince’s Trust Young Achiever

2007 Winner Vicki Peters Happily married with two beautiful children and a job she loves, Vicki Peters has much to be thankful for. But in her teenage years she began suffering extreme highs and lows caused by undiagnosed bipolar disorder, became addicted to drink and drugs, and eventually had a severe psychotic breakdown. “I always […]