2021 Winner

Leroy Holcroft

Primary school teacher dived into the sea on holiday to save the life of a teenage bodyboarder.

Leroy, from Urmston, Manchester, was visiting partner Rosie’s family when the incident happened last August.

He was on the beach when he saw the girl had been swept 400m out to sea on a bodyboard in high winds.

Without hesitating, he dived into the waves. He said: “There wasn’t a lot of decision making and thinking when I jumped in. My only thought was that this person is drifting out to sea and would possibly die thinking no one cared enough to try and help her. I knew then I had to get out there and save her.

“I waded out into the sea. Once I reached chin level everything felt ok but I made the mistake of thinking that water would feel the same the further out I went. But the difference even within 100 metres was incredible. It was terrifying.

“I am a capable swimmer, but to cover that distance in an emergency quickly and against the current was absolutely terrifying. It felt like swimming through lead.

“I was pulled under at one point. I swallowed an awful lot of seawater. I really did question if I would reach her and, by the time I did, my arms and legs weren’t working too well.”

Despite the currents, and his utter exhaustion, Leroy mustered the strength to pull the girl back to shore
He said: “The outcome could have been so different. The girl was brilliant, she stayed calm and did as I asked to help get us back.”

“I’m beyond lucky to still be here today.”

Speaking about his award, he added: “The word ‘hero’ I can’t reconcile. Heroes are people like emergency services who do this every day and face traumatic events all the time. I was there at the right time.”