Good Morning Britain Young Fundraiser of the Year

2021 Winner Hughie Higginson and Freddie Xavi Best pals have raised more than £200,000 after Hughie was diagnosed with Leukaemia and Freddie vowed to help him thank his doctors and nurses. Hughie, 11 was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia last September and began three and a half years of treatment at the Royal Manchester Children’s […]

This Morning Emergency Services Award

2021 Winner Stephen Wharton On-call firefighter risked his life to dive to the rescue of a teenager who had been submerged in icy waters for more than 20 minutes. Kacper Krauze, 13, had been attempting to swim across the River Eden in Appleby-in-Westmorland in February 2019. The weather was unseasonably warm, but the icy water […]

Spirit of Adventure Award

2021 Winner Max Woosey, 11 “Tent Boy” Max has spent more than 500 nights sleeping under canvas, raising £640,000 for his local hospice. Neighbour and family friend Rick Abbott was terminally ill with cancer when he gave Max a tent, and told him to “go have an adventure”. When Rick passed away, Max decided to […]

Special Recognition

2021 Winner Rob Allen Founded Sands United, an inspirational network of football teams where men who have lost babies and young children can come together to grieve. Rob and his wife Charlotte’s third child Niamh was stillborn, days before her due date in They were helped through their loss by the stillbirth charity Sands, but […]

Special Recognition

2021 Winner Gee Walker Forgave her son’s killers, and devoted her life to promoting racial harmony in his memory, building a legacy of love to overcome hate. The brutal racist murder of Anthony Walker in 2005 shocked the nation. The 18-year-old aspiring lawyer was chased from a bus stop in Huyton, Merseyside and killed with […]

Special Recognition

2021 Winner Oxford Vaccine Team British scientists behind the vaccine that has helped give us our lives back, and is also the most potent weapon against Covid in the developing world. Professor Sarah Gilbert and her team in Oxford had spent years preparing for “Disease X” – a completely new illness that would require a […]