Outstanding Bravery

2013 Winner Karin Williams When an out-of-control car hurtled towards a group of children at a school crossing, lollipop lady Karin Williams dived into its path to push them to safety. The mum-of-one suffered serious injuries, but thanks to her astonishing bravery, none of the youngsters was killed. The 61-year-old driver of the car had […]

Prince’s Trust Achiever of the Year

2013 Winner Clifford Harding After nine years without a job, with no purpose and no future, Clifford Harding was facing life as just another unemployment statistic. But one moment changed his life, and put him on the path to helping other young people from deprived backgrounds. He has gone on to become a role model […]

Outstanding Bravery

2013 Winner Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, Amanda Donnelly & Gemini Donnelly-Martin When an off-duty soldier was hacked to death in a London street, three women thought nothing of their own safety to step in. Hailed as the Angels of Woolwich, Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, Amanda Donnelly & Gemini Donnelly-Martin stepped forward from the crowds of terrified onlookers to calm […]

Teenager of Courage

2013 Winner Malala Yousafzai Malala defied the terrorists who shot her in the head in an attempt to silence her, and at the age of 15 became a powerful global voice demanding education for girls. The schoolgirl was targeted by militant Islamists furious at a blog she had written. In it she gave honest accounts […]

Lifetime Achievement

2013 Winner Prof. Ray Powles CBE and Prof. Trevor Powles CBE Inspired by doctors who saved their lives as teenagers, identical twins Ray and Trevor Powles embarked on medical careers of their own that would see them transform cancer treatment. For more than 50 years, the brothers have been at the forefront of the fight […]

Local Hero

2013 Winner Anne Scarfe Anne volunteers at all hours of the night as a street pastor, helping young people get home safely at the end of a night out. Every Saturday night, whatever the weather, Anne and a team of volunteers go out in Plymouth until around 4am, helping those who are feeling a little […]