Special Recognition

2013 Winner Daniel Black When Daniel Black read about a disabled boy who needed to raise thousands of pounds for treatment to help him walk, he did not hesitate to donate £22,000. But what makes his act of kindness truly awe-inspiring is that is was money had raised to help himself walk again after he […]

Child of Courage

2013 Winner Bailie Kershaw Bailie Kershaw was plunged into a terrifying life-or-death situation when his dad suffered a massive heart attack and collapsed in front of him. The 12-year-old was alone at home with his father because his mum Maureen, 48, was working late and his brothers and sisters were out. So it was up […]

Special Recognition

2013 Winner Lance Corporal Matthew Wilson When Matthew Wilson was shot in the head by a Taliban sniper, he simply picked himself up and carried on fighting to save his comrades. All our forces who have faced danger in Afghanistan deserve to be called heroes.  But Matthew’s actions that day in autumn 2011 went way […]

Teacher of the Year

2013 Winner Sharon Gray Sharon Gray remembers vividly the moment that inspired her to become a teacher.  “I was around five or six years old when I walked into my big sister’s classroom.  It was the most inviting, interesting, beautfiul environment, and it was the way her teacher enticed everybody. “ After that I often […]

FA Football Champion

2013 Winner June Kelly In the year The Football Association celebrates its 150th anniversary, this determined grassroots volunteer proves the nation’s favourite sport has the power to transform people’s lives for the better. June Kelly set up and runs a thriving junior team in one of the country’s most deprived areas, using football to promote […]

Child of Courage

2013 Winner Harley Lane As little Harley lay and hovered on the brink of death from meningitis, doctors made the heartbreaking decision to amputate his arms and legs to save his life. Then just a toddler, Harley pulled through and fought back against what could have been a devastating disability with inspirational spirit and determination. Harley, […]