Child of Courage

2004 Winner Michaela “Dolly” McCarthy Doctors told brave Michaela McCarthy she would never walk again after an horrific road accident. The 10-year-old – who is known as Dolly – was out with a friend, near her home in Colchester, Essex, last August when the tragedy occurred and she was left pinned under an HGV. Dolly’s […]

Child of Courage

2004 Winner Terri Calvesbert Terri Calvesbert was just two-years-old when she was horrifically burned during a fire at her home, started accidentally by her mother’s cigarette. So extreme were her injuries that the firefighters who found her initially thought the tiny tot was a charred doll. Ninety per cent of Terri’s body was covered in […]

Child of Courage

2004 Winner Cornel Hrisca-Munn Cornel was born with no lower arms and one of his legs severely deformed but has not let his disability stop him from living life to the full. Soon after his birth in Romania, doctors took him from his parents and put him in an orphanage, saying he would probably die […]

Child of Courage

2004 Winner Danny Taylor When he was just four years old, little Danny Taylor trekked nearly a mile in the middle of a cold night to save his diabetic mother’s life. Clad only in pyjamas, and equipped with a dummy and his mum’s handbag with his train set tucked safely inside, the brave toddler set […]

Child of Courage

2004 Winner Scott Muir Inspirational teenager Scott is the only member of his family who can hear – and that means this schoolboy helps his profoundly deaf mum, dad and two brothers cope with their silent world. Scott answers the phone, orders meals in restaurants and helps with trips to the post office, doctor and […]

Outstanding Bravery

2004 Winner Lynsey Walters A trip on the last bus home after a night on the town turned into a journey from hell for Lynsey Walters when she risked her life to save a man being viciously stabbed. As she boarded the number 58 bus in Redditch, near Birmingham, Lynsey noticed two young lads at […]